
Abstract:Through the investigation of the background of the project development, we have further searched for the idea of project development, and set up a modern network edition patrolling system based on the teacher as the main body of the class teacher. The system combines the three software of WeChat public number, questionnaire star and WeChat applet. The WeChat public number is the carrier of the whole system, and the questionnaire is the component responsible for the questionnaire survey and the statistical work. The small program is responsible for providing the description of the product and the inquiry of the course.
Keyword:WeChat public platform; questionnaire; WeChat applet;
教务巡课是高校进行日常教学管理和教学质量监控的重要手段之一。据了解, 仅2016至2017学年第二学期, 机场学院就已开设60余门专业课 (不包括毕业设计) , 若此时再依靠纸质巡课单完成日常教学管理和教学质量监控工作, 则必将出现效率低下、统计困难的情况。因此本项目拟开发基于微信公众号的巡课管理系统, 可以方便地实现巡课情况的录入、发送、数据的分析处理, 通过电子问卷的形式代替传统的纸质巡课单, 提高工作效率。