铁路客运推荐范文6篇 | |
大数据在铁路客运营销中的运用研究 | 春运期间铁路客运的风险管理策略研究 |
浅谈我国铁路客运安全管理问题 | 浅谈提高铁路客运服务的重要性及途径 |
铁路客运安全风险技术的应用研究 | 查看更多>>铁路客运论文 |

Abstract:Railway corporations sell standing tickets when passengers' volume booms in order to relieve the pressure of railway traffic. Thus it can meet the need of leaping passenger transportation. But selling standing tickets at the same price as sitting tickets not only harms passengers' economic interests, but also violates the principles of contract freedom and justice. In the long run, it isn't beneficial for sustainable and healthy development of railway corporations. Also, it obstructs the way of setting up a free and fair market. It is necessary to adjust the price of train ticket, make correctly judicial guidance, attract social capital in railway business and push the railway transport enterprises to solve the problem.
Keyword:principles of contract freedom; principles of contract justice; same price of standing and sitting tickets;
火车硬座票与无座票的价格相同, 购买坐票的乘客能享受座位服务, 而持站票的乘客只能在过道站至终点, 并且不时需要给过路的乘客让出道路。购买站票的乘客支付了与坐票相同的对价, 却没有享受同等的服务, 不公平的待遇使乘客与铁路运输公司的矛盾日益激化。近年来, 乘客起诉铁路运输公司的案件层出不穷, 其中雷闯案最具代表性。2014年雷闯将广深铁路股份有限公司诉至广州铁路运输法院, 请求法院判令将其购买的站票打5折, 返还多收取的票款[1]。
